Legal notice
GDV Dienstleistungs-GmbH
Frankenstraße 18
20097 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 33449-0
E-mail: info(at)
Sales tax no.: DE 205183123
Registered office: Hamburg
Registration court: Amtsgericht Hamburg No. HRB 145 291
Managing directors: Dr. Tibor Pataki, Jeanine Berg
Chairman of the supervisory board Dr. Rainer Sommer
Responsible for content pursuant to Section 18, Par. 2 Interstate Media Agreement (MStV): Dr Tibor Pataki (see company address for address)
Regulatory body (for activities of the Zentralruf): Bundesministerium der Justiz, Mohrenstr. 37, 10117 Berlin, tel.: 030 2025-70, fax: 030 2025-9525, e-mail: poststelle(at)
Legal note
Copyrights to the content of this website or parts of it belong to GDV Dienstleistungs-GmbH or those instances to which GDV Dienstleistungs-GmbH has granted corresponding user rights.
Information and liability
All content of this website was conscientiously researched with appropriate care in order to ensure the accuracy of the provided information and of the links contained in this website. To the extent that we refer to the Internet pages of third parties on our Internet pages with hyperlinks, we cannot guarantee the up-to-dateness, accuracy and completeness of the linked content, as this content lies outside of our area of responsibility and we have no influence on the future design. If you feel that content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please inform us. Due to the properties of the Internet medium and the risks of an interruption or of a termination of the transmission of the information, however, any liability in connection with the usage of the information, of the links or with regard to confidence in their accuracy is excluded.
The European Commission provides a platform for online alternative dispute resolution at
Information pursuant to § 36 of the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters: GDV Dienstleistungs-GmbH does not participate in a voluntary dispute resolution process before a German consumer arbitration board. There is no legal obligation to do so.